Design of 162-MHz CW Bunch-by-Bunch Chopper and Prototype Testing Results

Alexander Shemyakin, Curtis Baffes, Jean-Paul Carneiro, Brian Chase, Alex Chen, Joshua Einstein-Curtis, Daniil Frolov, Bruce Hanna, Valeri Lebedev, Lionel Prost, Christopher Richard, Gregory Saewert (+4 others)
The PIP-II program of upgrades proposed for the Fermilab accelerator complex, is centered around a 800 MeV, 2 mA CW SRF linac. A unique feature of the PIP-II linac is the capability to form a flexible bunch structure by removing a pre-programmed set of bunches from a long-pulse or CW 162.5 MHz train, coming from the RFQ, within the 2.1-MeV Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) section. The MEBT chopping system consists of two travelling-wave kickers working in sync followed by a beam absorber.
more » ... prototype components of the chopping system, two design variants of the kickers and a 1/4-size absorber, have been installed in the PIP-II Injector Test (PIP2IT) accelerator and successfully tested with beam of up to 5 mA. In part, one of the kickers demonstrated a capability to create an aperiodic pulse sequence suitable for synchronous injection into the Booster while operating at 500 V and average switching frequency of 44 MHz during 0.55 ms bursts at 20 Hz. This report presents the design of the PIP-II MEBT chopping system and results of prototypes testing at PIP2IT.
doi:10.18429/jacow-hb2018-thp1wc03 fatcat:mvza7crbpveghnulm24eqmusqq