Studies on Decolorization of Brilliant Green, Kinetics and Intermediates by Electrochemical Oxidation

Li Wang, Junbo Wang, Long Chen, Yujie Niu
2018 Proceedings of the 2017 3rd International Forum on Energy, Environment Science and Materials (IFEESM 2017)   unpublished
In this paper brilliant green (BG) was decolorized by electrochemical oxidation. Kinetics and Intermediates were also studied. The results showed that the decolorization of BG by electrochemical oxidation was fitted to pseudo first-order reactions. Activation energy was 34.9 kJ/mol. HPLC -MS results confirmed that the intermediates included polymerization, oxidative cracking reaction and N-demethylation.
doi:10.2991/ifeesm-17.2018.266 fatcat:pqj7fxvu4rbv7bxtr3qrwugr5e