Fermion-mediated interactions in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate
D. H. Santamore, Eddy Timmermans
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
We develop a diagrammatic perturbation treatment to calculate the zero-temperature equation of state of the dilute gas mixture of a single spin component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and a normal Fermi gas of indistinguishable (single spin) fermion particles. We find that the mean-field description breaks down near the mechanical instability related to the phase separation phenomenon. Our analysis shows that the instability is caused by the competition of the usual short-range and
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... ated boson-boson interactions, which result in a boson compressibility that diverges. In the low BEC-density limit, we show that the diagrammatic analysis simplifies, we sum part of the higher order diagrams, and we discuss the effects of other higher-order contributions.