The Formula SAE Tire Test Consortium-Tire Testing and Data Handling

Edward M. Kasprzak, David Gentz
2006 SAE Technical Paper Series   unpublished
The Formula SAE Tire Test Consortium (FSAE TTC) was established to provide high quality tire data to participating FSAE teams for use in the design and setup of their racecars. Currently, data on ten different constructions of tires has been measured at Calspan's Tire Research Facility and distributed to all consortium members. In this paper we review the history of the FSAE TTCthe inception, organization and continuing operation of this all-volunteer effort. Details of tire testing will be
more » ... ored, including the many options and constraints considered while designing the tire test matrix. Finally, a review of the measured data is provided. This includes a description of all the output channels and an overview of ways in which FSAE teams can make use of the data.
doi:10.4271/2006-01-3606 fatcat:a73uhc52hvf5lfl2ovvuzgmyoq