Spaniens Sprach(en)politik und ihr Einfluss auf die Identitätsbildung von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Ceuta

Hebah Nigm
2020 unpublished
Spain's language policy is characterized by the fact that alongside Castilian often times other languages are also granted official status in certain areas of the country. Accordingly, in Catalonia the Catalan language, in the Basque country and Navarre the Basque language and in Galicia the Galician language are recognized as official languages of the corresponding areas in addition to the Spanish language. In Ceuta, however, an autonomous Spanish city which geographically lies in North
more » ... this is not the case despite the fact that a high number of its inhabitants are indeed Arabic-speaking. Nevertheless, Arabic is denied any official recognition and does not exist neither in the educational field nor in the administrative sector or the media of the city. The diploma thesis at hand is entitled "Spain's Language Policy and its Influence on the Identity Formation of Adolescents and Young Adults in Ceuta" and discusses whether or not the dominance of the Spanish language and the exclusion of Arabic in the official discourse has an impact on the self-image of young residents in the city of Ceuta. It will be analyzed why youths that are both Spanish- and Arabic-speaking might feel disadvantaged and excluded in comparison to young persons in Ceuta who solely speak Spanish. I was inspired to further investigate this topic after a university research trip to Ceuta in 2017, during which I was provided the opportunity to conduct 14 qualitative interviews on the ground together with two of my fellow students. Statements that were given during said interviews, thus, serve as empirical evidence in the diploma thesis at hand and underline its theoretical argumentation.
doi:10.25365/thesis.61302 fatcat:zk5x33hylrbpjhxxknrteujy7a