Nadiia Skrypnyk, Communal Higher Education Institution «Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College», Ukraine, Iuliia Lebed, Communal Higher Education Institution «Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College», Ukraine
2020 Innovative scientific researches: European development trends and regional aspect  
Today for teachers the important task in language lessons is to simulate real communication situations. It is about the need for a fundamental shift from traditional educational practice to finding specifically new forms of teaching that underlie the competency approach. In the study of this intelligence were used research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific, psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature, generalization and systematization of the material. The relevance
more » ... f the study is due to the need to highlight and justify, socio-cultural training of students-vocabulary students in higher education institutions, which is one of the prerequisites for developing profound professional skills in the educational process. The purpose of the article is to consider and describe the role of the competence approach in shaping the professional competencies of future philology teachers in the new educational space. The conceptual essence of a competent approach lies in the comprehensive preparation and education of the individual not only as a specialist, professional, but also as a person seeking self-improvement, creative attitude to his work, humanistic behavior in society; with a well-defined system of professional competences, objectified by the nature, level and tendencies of development of economy, science, education, culture -all spheres and kinds of vital activity of the person and society both in our country and in the European space. Chapter «Pedagogical sciences» The transition to a competent approach means reorientation from the process to the result of education in the business dimension, consideration of this result from the point of view of demand in the society, ensuring the ability of the specialist to meet new market demands, the availability of appropriate personality potential for practical solution of life problems, finding their own «I» in. Professional competencies are integrative personal entities that provide an effective solution to professional tasks, and are therefore indispensable components of the professional competencies of a specialist. In the internal structure of all competencies there are motivational-value, cognitive, activity-behavioral and personal components. In the article the formation of professional competences of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature is interpreted as one of the areas of professional education, which is a complex and long-term process of purposeful educational influence on the professional and specialized growth of bachelors and undergraduates. In institutions of higher education, the formation and development of students' competences should be carried out in accordance with the principles of media education and using ICT. The study concluded that a competent approach reorients the traditional educational paradigm with the predominant translation of ready knowledge and the formation of skills to create conditions in universities for students to acquire a complex of competencies and competencies, determined by the graduate's readiness for independence, responsibility, responsibility, and products professional tasks in the modern space.
doi:10.30525/978-9934-588-38-9-15 fatcat:5wfcvlmzqnhjtfz256oor732ue