An Improvement Study on Direct Purchasing System of Construction Materials - Focused on the Project Management of "I" Co. -
공사용자재 직접구매제도 개선방안에 관한 연구 - I사 사업관리 중심으로 -

Keum-Am Park, Hyeok-Cheol Kwon, Yong-chul Jho, Chang-Ho Lee
2015 Journal of the Korea Safety Management and Science  
『Act on Facilitation of Purchase of Small and Medium Enterprise -Manufactured Products and Support for Development of Their Markets』 was created and implemented. The act states that the materials designated by the Small and Medium Business Administration are directly purchased from the small and medium enterprises and provided to the construction companies so that the materials can be provided as GFGI (Government Furnished and Government Installed) in the case of a public construction project.
more » ... his thesis is aimed to analyze the current status on the problems of each project party and understand their improvement requests so that mutually beneficial plans can be sought and improved process is presented for the continuous development of the direct construction material purchase system as well as successful construction projects. And This thesis summarized the purpose of the institutions and their change histories, and related law as well as codes for the better understanding of administrative procedures for the purchase system and the analyses as well as the improved process on the difficulties in complying with the current institutions.
doi:10.12812/ksms.2015.17.1.257 fatcat:4kjgteany5d4peb4l5spjncojq