English for Specific Purposes in Palestinian Context: Determining EFL Cadets' Needs at Al Istiqlal University

Hussam Ahmed Qaddomi
2013 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
This study aimed at determining EFL cadets' needs at Al-Istiqlal University in Palestine. In addition, the study sought to reveal how cadets rated their own competence in particular skills in EFL, and what they really need from their EFL course. The study was conducted on a random sample of 91 cadets. The findings showed that Al-Istiqlal University cadets' level in EFL is intermediate as the total score mean was 3.4 (68.0 %). Also, results showed that cadets' needs of EFL gained a very
more » ... level where its mean was 3.67 (73.4 %). Moreover, results indicated that the most serious difficulty which faces the cadets, as they perceive future workplace, in learning EFL is following English conversations. In addition, results revealed that there were significant differences in AU cadets EFL needs on all domains in favor of Police Sciences, Military Sciences, and MIS over the Psychology Security due to major variable.
doi:10.4304/tpls.3.7.1110-1122 fatcat:ydsnuvqcmvhtxosu2y3fygr7pa