Emergency management caused by oil spill in the territorial sea of Ukraine

Elena Azarenko, Yulia Goncharenko, Mykhailo Divizinyuk, Volodymyr Mirnenko, Yevgeny Tyschenko
2019 Journal of Scientific Papers: Social development and Security  
The article is of interest to emergency management specialists working in the system of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other bodies of state power, institutions and organizations dealing with petroleum products. Also, the results of the research will be useful for the representatives of the oil and refining industry, as structures that are directly involved in the creation of emergencies caused by oil
more » ... ls. It has been shown that spilling oil at sea is a particular emergency. It has been established that water transport emergency management eliminates the effects of oil spills on time. Based on the analysis of the structural and logical model of emergency management caused by oil spill in the sea and the peculiarities of emergency management on a water vehicle, the levels of emergency management caused by oil spill in the sea, where the first (lower) link is a warship or single vessel (water vehicle). The results of the proposed studies are the starting point for solving the scientific problem of developing a control algorithm for localization of the consequences of oil spill in the territorial sea of Ukraine.
doi:10.33445/sds.2019.9.2.8 fatcat:yhsjlt7drfgubfunortqnwzspq