The Relationship Between Information and Communication Technology (ICT), International Migration and Economic Growth in Turkey

Yilmaz Onur ARİ
2021 Alanya Akademik Bakış  
The paper examines the information and communication technologyinternational migration-economic growth nexus for Turkish economy using annual time series data covering the period of . Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test (TY) was used in the application of econometric method The results obtained indicated that there is a unidirectional causality from international migration to economic growth in the long run for Turkey. This is inline with the empirical evidences that external immigrant movements can
more » ... omote economic growth in receiving country. Although the form of migration to Turkey is unclear in terms of skilled or unqualified labor force, international migrants, even including daytripper workers from neighbour countries, boost the economic activities especially in agriculture, construction and service sectors in Turkey. The paper also concluded that there is a oneway causal relationship between ICT and economic growth. The ICT usage can make a substantial contribution to economic growth of Turkey so Turkish government should improve the infrastructure of Internet and mobile phone with a conscious policy initiative. Besides, lastly, it is observed that there is not a causal relationship between migration and ICT at 5 % for Turkey. It's found that there is a unidirectional causality from migration to ICT at 10 %.
doi:10.29023/alanyaakademik.806593 fatcat:zbqpvcgarfbztc4z7fjh5bshh4