International periodic scientific journal ONLINE SW J o u r n a l THE USE OF GRAPE DIETARY FIBER IN PRODUCTION OF DRY WHITE TABLE WINES

Averchenkov Vladimir, Tikhonova, Ageeva, Lisovets, Biryukov
2016 unpublished
Presented the results of investigations of the grape must, which was made from the grape variety Sauvignon Blanc, and wine, produced as a result of fermentation of the grape must. Studied the effect of dietary fiber produced from grape marc on the dynamics of fermentation of grape must. Discovered the influence of grinding extent, the mode and method of drying of the dietary fiber on the quality of table wine. Analysis of obtained data indicates a significant influence of the properties of
more » ... ry fiber on the chemical composition of the wine, especially glycerol and organic acids, on the transfer of extractives and phenolic compounds. It was found that the use of grape dietary fiber at the stage of alcoholic fermentation of grape must facilitates the intensification of the fermentation process and the production of high quality wines. Grinding extent of dietary fiber (3 and 5 mm) produced by infrared (IR) drying is superior in the quality to other samples.