Experimental study of submillimeter droplets dynamics and breakup in continuous supersonic flow terminated by shock wave

Oleg Gobyzov, Yuriy Lozhkin, Mikhail Ryabov, Dmitriy Markovich, P. Dančová, M. Veselý
2016 EPJ Web of Conferences  
The present paper reports an application of optical methods, namely PIV, background-oriented-schlieren (BOS) and high-magnification imaging with background illumination to study of dynamics and breakup of 10-100 ȝm size droplets in continuous supersonic flow terminated by a normal shock wave. Flow diagnostics was performed by means of BOS and PIV. Shadow photography allowed to specify velocity ranges for different droplet sizes and to visualize droplets dynamics and breakup modes. Features of
more » ... e experimental setup and certain details of implemented measurement system are considered. Results of velocity measurements and droplets behavior, including deformation and breakup, are presented and analysis of experimental conditions and dimensionless parameters affecting the droplets behavior is performed. Distinctive features of deformation and breakup processes of submillimeter scale droplets are revealed.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201611402031 fatcat:k2hhpc25afgbbkadhoxzggddke