Problem-Cognitive Program Of The Students-Researchers In The Knowledge Society Cultural Reality

Alexander O. Karpov
2017 unpublished
The author develops a fundamental concept of the research education theory -the problemcognitive program, which is a model of socio-cognitive self-making and a type of implementation of cognitive interests both for an individual student-researcher and for research community. The challenge is to study a scientific-type investigative behaviour as a decisive factor in evolution of cultural reality of knowledge society. Objectives of the study: 1) research and generalization of experience in
more » ... scientific and educational paths for students-researchers; 2) conceptualization of a socio-cognitive type of student development through scientific research methods in obtaining knowledge. The study uses methods of pedagogical experiments, generalization of social and pedagogical work with creative students, a structural-functional and cognitive analysis of educational activities, and educational and cognitive practices. The methodology is based on 25-year experience in the Russian "Step into the Future" programme for scientific training of young researchers (schoolchildren and students), which currently involves more than150 thousand participants. As shown, the problem-cognitive program articulates the logic of spiritual values of personal growth. It diagnoses the cognitive vocation in cultural reality of knowledge society. The last is ethically predisposed to social distribution of people depending on their abilities to operate with knowledge. Methodological principles of drawing up a problemcognitive program are formulated; components of cognitive capacities are defined; examples from teaching practice are presented. Research methods in obtaining knowledge give learners and teachers an effective tool for practical application of discipline knowledge and linking them with specific professional areas, achievement of cognitive outcomes having social values.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2017.07.03.41 fatcat:c2ufnyunsfgqdir35vaxik2zcy