Enhanced growth and vigour of Pinus radiata cuttings and seedlings treated with novel microbial formulations charcoal and mixtures

R.A. Hill, D.E. Paderes, P.J. Wigley, A.H. Broadwell, D. Than
2007 New Zealand Plant Protection  
In 2006 a large scale forest nursery trial, using Pinus radiata cuttings, was undertaken at PF Olsen & Co. Ltd. Forenza nursery. Novel formulations containing selected beneficial microbes, natural products, known and novel rooting hormones were evaluated with or without charcoal. All liquid formulations were applied as drenches and all powder formulations as dips. About 6000 pine cuttings were used with 22 treatments, replicated five times and laid out in randomised complete block design.
more » ... l novel formulations used in this trial gave enhanced root initiation and development and a significant increase in plant height and plant biomass of P. radiata, with or without charcoal, compared with the untreated control. The best bacterial formulations in the P. radiata cuttings trial had also performed best in a 2005 seedling trial. These formulations will be further tested on other major crops prior to commercial production. The mode of action is under investigation. However, some suggestions on the role of charcoal and beneficial microbes on plant growth promotion are discussed in this poster.
doi:10.30843/nzpp.2007.60.4638 fatcat:k76ju3hevffkbcd4recgqp66zq