A Literature Review Concerning the Current Status of Family Nursing in China

Qiting Lin, Naohiro Hohashi
The Journal of Cultural Nursing Studies  
and purpose In China, the reduction in family size due to the trend toward nuclear families, along with changes in the present medical treatment model and so on, has made it desirable for development of family nursing. The purpose of this study was to review literature related to family nursing in China so as to clarify the current status of family nursing. Methods The National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) , a comprehensive database in China, was utilized with the key search term jiating
more » ... (family nursing) to seek articles dated from 2014 to 2018. Out of 732 papers, analysis was performed on 27 related to family nursing. The papers were arranged according to Garrard's matrix method, and reviewed. Results No differences were observed in the number of papers issued per year, but papers related to pediatric nursing were numerous (39.1%) . In terms of design of the research, intervention studies accounted for 52.2%. Of the four approaches to family nursing according to Kaakinen et al, the greatest number of papers (69.6%) involved individual is foreground and the family is background. With regard to the current status of family nursing, four systems were clarified: government system ; medical system ; social organizations system ; and family internal system. Discussion Limited literature exists concerning family nursing in China, and from the majority of works that adopt the perspective that individual is foreground and the family is background, it is evident that further development of family nursing in China is necessary. To achieve this development, it is believed support will be needed from the government, medical institutions and social organizations.
doi:10.24658/bunkakango.12.1_1_12 fatcat:si5glpjkavh5ncpj5tmja3rr5a