Dynamic typology of American socio-cultural stereotypes
Динамічна типологія американських соціокультурних стереотипів

S. A. Liubymova, Kyiv National Linguistic University
2020 Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Historical Sciences  
The article presents the results of a dynamic classification of American sociocultural stereotypes based on their variability. The dynamics of stereotypes are traced in changes of assessment, emotional perception, and modification, reflected in the discursive representation of socio-cultural stereotypes. The degree of variability of socio-cultural stereotypes depends on the time of their formation, the frequency of occurrence in media discourse, and their emotional load. Persistent stereotypes,
more » ... such as frontiersman, cowboy, are are based on cultural traditions. They function as templates for the reproduction of new sociocultural stereotypes. Transformational socio-cultural stereotypes demonstrate various changes that can relate to the content of stereotypes. Such is the case of melting pot. Once denoting unity of American society, this stereotype has transformed into a combination of diverse social and cultural elements, marked as salad bowl, mosaic, mixing bowl. Changes in socio-cultural stereotypes are manifested also in emotional and evaluative perception. Thus, the negative perception of the stereotype WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) has changed to positive. Transformational stereotypes can become the symbols of a certain historical period, marked by radical changes in views, attitudes and standards of behavior. Such is flapper – the stereotype of a bold and fashionable young woman that has become a symbol of "Roaring 20s". Transient stereotypes are unable to transform and cease to exist with the disappearance of their referents. An example of such a stereotype is the Valley Girl, which denoted the category of rich and idle fashionistas of the 1980s. Today, the Valley Girl is an anachronism that alludes to the 1980s through definite fashion trends and slang. The result of the study is the recognition that American sociocultural stereotypes are changeable and situational fragments of the social environment. They may modify or disappear due to changes in the socio-cultural context. The duration of their existence depends not only on economic and cultural factors, but also on occurrence in media discourse.
doi:10.12958/2227-2844-2020-4(335)-67-75 fatcat:vfyj7t4obbaspotfgikvcmquoy