Two new Harpellales living in Ephemeroptera nymphs in Colorado Rocky Mountain streams

Marvin C. Williams, Robert W. Lichtwardt
1999 Mycologia  
Two new species of harpellid gut fungi (Zygomycota: Trichomycetes) are described from the hindguts of mayfly nymphs inhabiting high altitude Rocky Mountain streams: the new genus and species Legm~osimilis tm'caudata living in Ameletus sp. (Siphlonuridae), and the newT species Glotzia coloradense from Baetis tricaudatus (Baetidae). Legeriomyces aenigmaticus is reported from a new site and a new ephemeropteran host, Ephemerella sp. (Ephemerellidae), and previously unknown zygospores are described.
doi:10.1080/00275514.1999.12061031 fatcat:bfcxwv7stnd65lxka5f6v5ekia