Domination of Organizational Culture Characteristics Value towards the Improvement of Employee Performance at a Company in Banten Province

Santi Riana Dewi
2018 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Community Development (AMCA 2018)   unpublished
This research aims to determine the dominance of the organizational culture characteristics values toward the improvement of employee performance in at a company in Banten, so as to encourage accelerated achievement of employee's superior performance. The method used is a survey with a causal approach, will be analyzed by using correlation model. The data used are usually scaled interval or ratios. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, while the data analysis techniques used are
more » ... scriptive data analysis and inferencing statistical data using linear regression test, t-test, and determination analysis. Variables to be studied are the characteristics of organizational culture and employee performance. With the result of the research, it is known that the dominance influence of the characteristics values of organizational culture on employee performance, then the empowerment of organizational culture values is needed.
doi:10.2991/amca-18.2018.39 fatcat:rhmr5pq6vjaizdr7lsixxayvw4