Traces of the masculine gender of OE. eorpe OE. bæsn, býsn 'fermentum'

Otto Bernhard Schlutter
1921 Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature  
chlutter. 237 Cldat. Saxon Dictionary, no doubt on the strength of my elucidation, thus: gestgpan 'to initiate, consecrate' and gives as source WW. For his third edition I recommend the following correction : "gestdpan (WW. 283t = Corpus Olossary I 466) see gestdapan" which with the meaning indicated should be inserted on page 275, second column, right after stdap m. 'stoup'.
doi:10.1007/bf01686125 fatcat:5vmy7imf6je7ndk5qabym2ldjq