La dimensión espacial de la toponimia histórica a través del análisis kernel. Hacia una arqueología del paisaje medieval en Sierra Mágina (Jaén). Arqueología y Territorio 17: 159-172

2021 Zenodo  
This article is part of a much broader study focused on the application of Landscape Archeology to the mountainous area of Mágina (Jaén). In this occasion, the intention is to highlight the rendering of Kernel analysis or heatmaps to an archaeological source of the first instance: toponymy. Thanks to its conception as a landscape and symbolic element that intrinsically carries a spatial dimension, hypothetical diffuse areas can be launched that respond to the nature of the historical use in
more » ... tion: spaces for cultivation, hunting use or settlement.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4430396 fatcat:zo2tc4dd6namvlyhzajc5mjsgi