Exploring the Relationship between Perceived Input Control and Complementors' Perceived Performance: An Empirical Study on Amazon

Evgheni Croitor, Dominick Werner
2021 European Conference on Information Systems  
Despite the growing body of research on how control modes shape platform governance, little is known about how and why input control (i.e., the set of mechanisms that screen and sort out complementors and their complements before entering the digital platform's ecosystem) affects complementors' perceived performance. Drawing on platform governance literature, we conducted an online survey with 286 sellers on Amazon, one of the largest e-marketplace platforms worldwide. Our results reveal that
more » ... rceived input control decreases complementors' performance and that this effect is explained through intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, input control fairness moderates the impact of perceived input control on complementors' intrinsic motivation. Counterintuitively, perceived input control has no direct effect on complementors' performance when accounting for intrinsic motivation. Thus, our findings extend literature on platform governance and offer practical insights for platform providers on how to manage their input control mechanisms for the success and sustainability of their digital platforms.
dblp:conf/ecis/CroitorW21 fatcat:6h5cq5dljnffnb3j6y35gsasve