Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning - Typology and Comparison of Selected European Approaches

Silvia Annen
2013 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal  
In Europe the topic recognition of informal learning becomes more and more important [1] . At the same time the Europe-wide as well as the national approaches dealing with recognition are rather diverse. To present the results of a systematic analysis of selected European approaches is the aim of this paper. Furthermore a synoptical comparison of these practical examples is presented. Due to the fact that the existing approaches have not been integrated in a consistent Europe-wide strategy for
more » ... he recognition of competences, the systematic comparison of the approaches shall provide a basis for appropriate recommendations. In this paper selected European approaches for the recognition of informal learning are analysed, classified and evaluated with the help of the following theoretically derived criteria: objectives, methods, norms and standards, stakeholders, rights of disposal, coordination as well as signaling and screening.
doi:10.20533/licej.2040.2589.2013.0136 fatcat:yllwh5ki4vcqbdz5mh6erfwari