Kilka szczegółów do biografii Władysława wężyka i życia na Śląsku (nieznany list Władysława wężyka z roku 1847) / An Annex to the Biography of Władysław Wężyk and a Materiały i Notatki. Glimpse into Polish Cultural Life in Silesia (Wężyk's Newly Found Letter from the Year 1847)

Zofia Dambek
2012 Ruch Literacki  
Władysłsw Wężyk was a noted 19th-century Polish writer, best known for his travelogue Travels to the Ancient World (1842). This article presents a newly found letter from his correspondence with Father Hieronim Kajsiewicz, CR. Dated 1847, the letter reveals a handful of hitherto unknown facts from Wężyk's life, eg. his contacts with the Resurrectionist community, his reasons for disengaging himself from underground national-liberation activities, and the name he chose for his Confirmation
more » ... ny. The letter also contains his observations and comments on Polish literary and cultural life in Silesia.
doi:10.2478/v10273-012-0046-7 fatcat:qyptg3czsffijms4qaimlwukwm