The Definition of the Armed Conflict in the Conditions of Cyber Warfare

Mateusz Piątkowski
2017 Polish Political Science Yearbook  
The paper is presenting the examination of the cyberwarfare phenomenon in its legal context. The cyberattacks are increasingly effective measures of modern combat and would probably become the most crucial dimension of forthcoming armed conflict. The role of the international humanitarian law is to determine whenever the cyberattack is reaching the threshold of an armed conflict. The aim of the article is to present the existing framework of ius in bello in terms of its temporal scope of
more » ... bility, especially in the light of the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. It supported conclusion that the international law requires an revision of the armed conflict definition to sufficiently addressed the challenges arising from growing cyber activity.
doi:10.15804/ppsy2017117 fatcat:65sguqoj2ngr3masfql6r7lihy