Analysis of Bone Mineral Density in Turner Syndrome

Hisafumi Matsuoka, Mitsunori Murata
1994 Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology  
The bone mineral density of the 2nd metacarpal of the left hand was measured by the Digital Image Processing Method (DIP) in five Japanese children with Turner syndrome. We made growth curves of bone mineral density, based on bone age, which were measured by the TW2 RUS method. In all cases bone mineral density showed increased values for 2-5 years, but SD scores were not much changed at any measuring-point after GH-treatment. These data indicate that GH treatment may have no effect on bone mineral density.
doi:10.1297/cpe.3.supple4_99 fatcat:lroybj4pqrbeljpvbw7taac5fy