Methods of estimating land resources of Ukraine in the conditions of land market formation for the purposes of sustainable development

Volodymyr Shvets, Nataliia Mishchuk, Oksana Novostavska, A. Generowicz, B. Burkinskyi, V. Koval
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
Sustainable development of Ukraine is not possible without the functioning of a civilized land market.The Ukrainian government has formed a set of amendments to the Land Code and other laws and provides for the start of the land market in mid-2021. However, the mechanism for assessing land resources is not sufficiently developed and requires saturation of methodological and information support. The article proposes methods of land valuation and methods of determining its investment
more » ... s for investors.The formation of the information base for the assessment of land resources is possible only by applying a retrospective method of analysis of data generated on Ukrainian lands in a market economy, due to the peculiarities of the interrupted evolutionary process. In the analysis of investment attractiveness of land assets, the main focus is on the possibilities of applying the method of standardization of indicators. Application of the offered methods will promote creation in Ukraine of the effective market of the earth with harmonious maintenance of interests of the Ukrainian people and investors. The purpose of this article is to study the methods of valuation of land assets of Ukraine to determine their investment attractiveness in the formation of the land market.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202125501018 fatcat:l7cdg5esx5d3nax6irr6axuxuy