Study of invisible neutrino decay and oscillation in the presence of matter with a 50 kton magnetised iron detector

Lakshmi S Mohan, Sandhya Choubey, Srubabati Goswami, Chandan GUPTA, Tarak Thakore
2018 Proceedings of The 19th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators NUFACT2017 — PoS(NuFact2017)   unpublished
The sensitivity to the invisible decay of the mass eigenstate ν 3 in the presence of Earth matter effects is studied. Only the charged current interactions of atmospheric ν µ andν µ for 500 kTon year exposure of a future magnetised iron detector at INO are analysed. The analysis with observed muon energy in the range would give a constraint of τ 3 /m 3 > 1.51 × 10 −10 s/eV at 90% CL with this exposure. Here τ 3 is the lifetime and m 3 is the mass of ν 3 , when it is the heaviest. The effect of
more » ... ecay on the precision measurement of sin 2 θ 23 and |∆m 2 32 | and neutrino mass hierarchy are also studied. Since the presence of decay affects the oscillation amplitude rather than its phase, it is seen that the precision on sin 2 θ 23 worsens whereas that on |∆m 2 32 | is not much affected. Sensitivity to hierarchy also worsens slightly in the presence of the invisible decay of ν 3 .
doi:10.22323/1.295.0147 fatcat:urfw6rmsajbmpg3qasgrev2zqy