Arguments For and Against Limited Relativistic Transformations for Any Signal Velocity

Mario Rabinowitz
2017 Theoretical Physics  
Time dilation derived here from relativistic Least Action couples relativistic mass and time transformations. This is an argument against time dilation for other than the signal speed of light c . Because c is the paramount signal velocity in Special Relativity, we examine the extent to which limited relativistic transformations of time dilation and length contraction might occur for any signal velocity, C c < , provided that the relative frame velocity v C <<< . Such relativistic effects
more » ... ing on C may be detectable in a narrow range. If allowed by nature and confirmed by experiment, this will alter our views of space-time. Known experiments do not rule this out. The total resultant velocity 3 v cannot exceed C in the Einstein addition of velocities due to the condition v C <<< . A derivation is presented which together with experiment rules out mass transformation unless the signal velocity is the speed of light.
doi:10.22606/tp.2017.21007 fatcat:zarh4bp7pnf6boipewh5ihnpnm