Attentional effects in the multiple object tracking task

Yuichi KOMADA, Kazumitsu SHINOHARA, Toshiaki MIURA
2007 The Japanese Journal of Cognitive Psychology  
This study investigates the e#ect of attention in the detection of direction changes when there are multiple objects. The participants were asked to detect direction changes while allocating their attention to objects marked by cues. Specifically, this study investigates how attention benefits change when attention must be allocated to multiple objects in order to detect direction-changes. The results showed that detection rate was in an inverse proportion to the number of objects, suggesting
more » ... at it is di$cult to simultaneously allocate attention to a large number of objects. The mechanisms for detecting direction-changes are discussed in terms of attention allocation.
doi:10.5265/jcogpsy.5.43 fatcat:zhgsjzrkxbc4hpw557wgt55scu