Динамика морфологии поверхности вольфрамовой фольги под нагрузкой

В.Е. Корсуков, А.В. Анкудинов, В.И. Бетехтин, П.Н. Бутенко, В.Н. Вербицкий, В.Л. Гиляров, И.В. Гиляров, С.А. Князев, М.М. Корсукова, Б.А. Обидов
2020 Журнал технической физики  
Morphology dynamics of recrystallized tungsten foil surface under uniaxial stretching was investigated in situ by LEED, Auger, AFM, SEM an X-Ray fluorescent analysis. It has been found that before the rupture of the sample the transition from multifractality to monofractality occurs in a few stages: narrowing of the width of multifractal singularity spectrum of surface defects, turn of structural blocks of dominating face W (112) and transition of the lattice of dominating face into diffractive disordered state.
doi:10.21883/ftt.2020.12.50202.112 fatcat:uoir5sd36rbtnjyms6y34vbfci