Research on Intelligent Personnel Investigation System Based on Mobile Terminal

Xunwei Gong, Yonggang Li, Rong Zhu
2016 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Informatics (AMEII 2016)   unpublished
Considering the fact that the video surveillance coverage remains far from adequate across the rural, this article initially proposed a new investigation system on mobile terminals. Firstly, the portraits or valid documents were easily got by using mobile terminals which were then automatically collected and pre-processed in the Data Center. More specifically, the exact image is located and the ROI (Region of Interest) is extract according to the contour corner. The manifold learning model was
more » ... et in order to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of facial feature point labeling. Simultaneously, the investigation system was put forward, where a specific mapper class, the session, is responsible for persisting and retrieving data to and from the database. The experimental results indicate that this method achieves a higher accuracy rate and bigger robustness than the ordinary methods.
doi:10.2991/ameii-16.2016.161 fatcat:c3ctrrwe5vblblhaltus325a2u