Clinical and immunological reactions to Aspergillus niger among workers at a biotechnology plant

M D Topping, D A Scarisbrick, C M Luczynska, E C Clarke, A Seaton
1985 Occupational and Environmental Medicine  
The workforce at a biotechnology plant producing citric acid by fermentation of molasses with a strain of Aspergillus niger was studied. A combination of a respiratory questionnaire and clinical assessment identified 18 subjects (4-9% of the workforce) with work related bronchospasm. In nine of these evidence of sensitisation to A niger was obtained by skin prick tests and radioallergosorbent test (RAST) using as an antigen an extract of the A
doi:10.1136/oem.42.5.312 fatcat:gkgl534ej5birjnr7oiopdloa4