Design of Smart Solar based Industrial Motor Monitoring and Control using Internet of Things

S. Sumathi, R. Uthirasamy
2022 International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering  
Industrial Monitoring and Control is crucial for gathering all the significant data, statistics, and information on the numerous industrial processes, motors, machines, and equipment used in industrial facilities. This seeks to produce industrial goods with controlled access, increased productivity, and excellent quality. Remote control and monitoring using communication systems like ZigBee, RF, and infrared have become quite popular in industries in this new era of technological advancements.
more » ... owever, because to their sluggish communication speeds, long distances, and lack of data security, these wireless communication systems are typically limited to simple applications. Additionally, they are sensitive to noise and adverse weather, including snow, fog, and rain. In all of the GSM operator's service areas, security is possible without the requirement for a lot of physical infrastructure. In the present study, a new approach is taken to the smart solar based monitoring and controls of industrial applications through the installation of the Internet of Things (IOT) using GPRS enabled high quality connectivity, low cost, and high security without the need for extensive hardware infrastructure in all of the GSM operator's service areas. The stator voltage control approach has been used in conjunction with the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique to achieve the required motor speed.
doi:10.29294/ijase.9.2.2022.2810-2817 fatcat:bd4hsv7mjvfw3orvdhnh2strn4