A phonological reconstruction of Proto-East-Katuic

Dorothy Thomas
1976 Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session  
Grateful acknowledgement is made to those who have made the research and writing of this thesis possible. Without the dictionaries, writings, and personal communications from the Watsons, Millers, and the Misses Wallace and Costello, there would have been no material for the research. My professor, Dr. H. M. Hoenigswald, provided direction to the study. My husband and his mother provided the time and encouragement needed to complete the work in time. With great kindness my committee saw the
more » ... ing through to the final copy. And in His mercy my Lord gave the strength to carry on from day to day. iii 45 46 ABSTRACT The principal problem in the historical reconstruction of Froto Mon-Khmer is the great diversity between the modern descendants. '.fhis paper proposes to simplify that problem by reconstructing the East-Ka.tuic branch of the Mon-Khmer family. Three languages are compared: Br6u, Pac8h, and Ka.tu. Because of gaps in the cognate lists, both BrOu and ~ao8h bad to be used as witnesses for the sub-family
doi:10.31356/silwp.vol20.08 fatcat:2pwfpqtaszcqlflm67u5doyoeq