Stability of yield and yield components in maize inbred lines with different cytoplasmic types
Snezana Jovanovic
REZIME Cilj istraţivanja bio je da se odredi stabilnost prinosa i komponenata prinosa dvanaest inbred linija kukuruza razliĉitog tipa citoplazme (cms-C, cms-S i fertilna). Pošlo se od pretpostavke da su prouĉavane inbred linije kukuruza razliĉite genetiĉke osnove i da razliĉito reaguju na faktore spoljašnje sredine što utiĉe na razliĉitu stabilnost prinosa i komponenti prinosa zrna. Ogled sa inbred linijama postavljen je na dve lokacije tokom 2008 i 2009 godine. Ĉetvorofaktorijalna analiza
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... anse (genotip-citoplazma-godina-lokacija) uraĊena je za ispitivane osobine: visina biljke do klipa, visina biljke do vrha metlice, prinos, duţina klipa, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, dubina zrna, masa 1000 semena, srednje Dobijeni rezultati pored nauĉno-istraţivaĉkog znaĉaja imaju i praktiĉni znaĉaj u proizvodnji hibridnog semena kukuruza. Ključne reči: citoplazmatska muška sterilnost, kukuruz, inbred linije, korelacije, prinos, stabilnost. Naučna oblast: Biotehniĉke nauke Uža naučna oblast: Ratarstvo -Genetika ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to determine stability of yield and yield components in twelve maize inbred lines with different types of cytoplasm (cms-C, cms-S and fertile). The starting point was the assumption that these maize inbred lines have different genetic basis and react differently to environmental factors, affecting stability of yield and grain yield components. A trial with maize inbred lines was set up at two localities during 2008 and 2009. A 4-factorial analysis of variance (genotype-cytoplasm-year-locality) was carried out for the following properties: ear height, plant height, yield, ear length, number of grain rows, number of grains per row, grain depth, 1000-grain mass, middle round grain fraction, middle large flat fraction and middle large round fraction. Correlation bounds between the studied properties of the inbred lines were analysed by applying the multiple correlation and regression equation. A stability assessment was done , as well as a cluster analysis for each cytoplasmic source (Rohlf, 2000) . The analysis of variance determined there were very significant differences among inbred lines for all the properties and inbred lines interactions with the studied factors (cytoplasmic type, year and locality). The inbred line L 1 achieved the highest (3.3 t ha -1 ), and the inbred line L 10 (1.5 t ha -1 ) the lowest grain yield. A cytoplasmic type significantly affects the studied properties of the inbred lines. Depending of the cytoplasmic type (cms-C, cms-S and fertile), fluctuation in grain yield of inbred lines was very significant in the inbred lines L 2, L 5, L 7 , L 10 and L 12 . The average grain yield fluctuated very significantly (P≤1%) depending of the year and the localities. In 2008, the yield (2.9 t ha -1 ) was higher than in 2009 (2.12 t ha -1 ). The first locality had higher yield (2.72 t ha -1 ) than the second one (2.31 t ha -1 ). Correlation bounds in the inbred lines with different cytoplasmic types were different regarding the following properties: ear height with grain depth, 1000-grain mass and middle large flat fraction; plant height with ear length, middle large flat fraction and middle large round fraction; ear length with number of grain rows, number of grains per row and middle large round fraction; number of grain rows with middle large flat fraction and yield; number of grains per row with grain depth; grain depth with middle round grain fraction; and 1000-grain mass with middle round and middle large round grain fraction. As for the rest of the properties, i.e. their mutual correlations, no differences were found among all three cytoplasmic sources. The inbred line L 10 with C cytoplasmic source expressed the highest and L 12 the lowest grain yield stability by the years and the localities. When it comes to S-type stability inbred lines, L 12 had the highest and L 10 the lowest grain yield stability. Regarding grain yield by the years and the localities, the fertile inbred line L 3 was the most stable and L 11 the least stable. A cluster analysis carried out based on the obtained dendagrams showed some differences in the origin, i.e. genetic distance among the same inbred lines with different cytoplasmic source. The fertile lines and the C-sterile lines (L 1 , L 2 and L 3 ) therefore showed certain similarity in clustering and divergence, unlike the S-sterile lines. The fertile line L 12 has a unique origin and represents a single cluster, and when it comes to divergence, it attains a big genetic distance from the other lines, regardless of their cytoplasmic source. In addition to scientific and research importance, the obtained results have also practical importance in hybrid maize seed production.