Sensorless force reflecting teleoperation for low cost web-interfaced systems

R. Oboe, S. Piovan
ISIE '99. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No.99TH8465)  
An ever-growing number of Internet connected devices is now accessible to a multitude of users. Most of those devices, however, offer to the user a simple command interface which does not allow for a real time command of the remote apparatus. In this paper we present the JBIT system, a Java-Based Interface for Telerobotics, which provides a web-based real time interface to a robot located in our laboratory. In order to enhance the sense of immersion in the remote environment, force feedback is
more » ... dded to visual and virtual reality feedback and common button interfaces. In order to maintain the cost of the overall system low, however, force sensor capabilities has to be replaced by an estimator. In this paper, we present our direct-drive 2 and 3 d.0.f. mini robots, based on off-theshelf hard disk drive technology. Given their negligible friction, the force arising during interaction with the environment is easily obtained from the dynamic model of the mechanical system. Simulation results and experiments are presented. Interested users can access our site and enjoy playing with our robots at the web address: htt p://www.dei.uni I.
doi:10.1109/isie.1999.801770 fatcat:2pdgvvjfczhrdknmsalsl2ldx4