A Plan To Start a Self-Suporting Evangelistic Magazine in Zimbabwe [thesis]

Jonathan Musvosvi
There is a need for an indigenous, contextualized evangelistic magazine designed specifically for the people of Zimbabwe. This dissertation looks at previous and current magazine enterprises in order to outline the implementation of a successful, self-supporting SDA magazine in Zimbabwe. The responsibilities of the editor-publisher, writers, and marketers are examined in relation to the target audience. Information on writer training is outlined in detail. Books and magazine articles on the
more » ... c of magazine publishing provided the primary source of information. Current and former magazine editors were also interviewed to provide a first-person look at the magazine industry. In order to be successful, the proposed magazine will need to contextualize, assign multiple roles to each member of the staff, and begin on a small scale. Also, in keeping with the example provided by James and Ellen White, the magazine project should be implemented immediately without waiting for "sufficient" resources; instead, faith must be placed in God to protect and provide for the magazine in its mission of evangelism. Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary A PLAN TO START A SELF-SUPPORTING EVANGELISTIC
doi:10.32597/dmin/588 fatcat:li34fxo4qjcbjhvvepc2vakify