Probe investigating of laser plasma when intensity of radiation on the target near 109 W/cm2

Sergei Davydov, Alexander Dolgov, Alekcey Katorov, Vladislav Revazov, Rustam Yakubov
The appearance of third charged particles groups has been fixed when the laser radiation interacted with metal target in rarefied environ gas. The intensity of opti-cal range laser radiation was ~109 W/cm2. The opportunity of using Langmuir probe for diagnosing plasma processes with nanosecond resolution has been demonstrated. The results of electron temperature measurements have agreed with results of estimate model calculations for the two fasted groups of particles in the absorbtion area (for experimental conditionals).
doi:10.51368/2307-4469-2021-9-3-187-201 fatcat:4by74fghpvbzrpnpisego6o3e4