Capacidad Portante de tres suelos arcillosos incorporando fibra de pseudotallo de plátano en diferentes porcentajes

Kehila Bethsua Elipheleth Guerra Armas
2020 Proceedings of the 18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: Engineering, Integration, And Alliances for A Sustainable Development" "Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on A Knowledge-Based Economy"   unpublished
The aim of this investigation was to determine the bearing capacity of three clayey soils incorporating pseudostem banana fiber in lengths of 25mm, in three different percentages: 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, forming a homogeneous mixture with the soil. These additions raised the values of the soil bearing capacity indices, California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The incorporation of banana pseudostem fiber positively influenced the bearing capacity of the three soils, since with an incorporation of 0.25%, the
more » ... CBR value for soil No. 01 increased by 50.78%; 220.27% for soil No. 02 and 31.73% for soil No. 03. Furthermore, decreases in the CBR index were observed when the fiber percentages increased. Resumen-El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la capacidad portante de tres suelos arcillosos incorporando fibra de pseudotallo de plátano en longitudes de 25mm, en tres diferentes porcentajes: 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% formando una mezcla homogénea con el suelo. Estas incorporaciones elevaron los valores de los índices de capacidad portante de los suelos, California Bearing Ratio (CBR). La incorporación de fibra de pseudotallo de plátano influyó positivamente en la capacidad portante de los tres suelos pues con una incorporación de 0.25% incrementó en un 50.78% el valor de CBR para el suelo N° 01; en un 220.27 % para el suelo N°02 y en un 31.73% para el suelo N°03. Además, se observaron disminuciones en el índice CBR cuando los porcentajes de fibra aumentaron. Palabras clave: suelo, densidad máxima seca, óptimo contenido de humedad, California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Abstract-The aim of this investigation was to determine the bearing capacity of three clayey soils incorporating pseudostem banana fiber in lengths of 25mm, in three different percentages: 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, forming a homogeneous mixture with the soil. These additions raised the values of the soil bearing capacity indices, California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The incorporation of banana pseudostem fiber positively influenced the bearing capacity of the three soils, since with an incorporation of 0.25%, the CBR value for soil No. 01 increased by 50.78%; 220.27% for soil No. 02 and 31.73% for soil No. 03. Furthermore, decreases in the CBR index were observed when the fiber percentages increased.
doi:10.18687/laccei2020.1.1.541 fatcat:lfyemwvirrctxav6rutcrrbukm