Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, July 9, 1895] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
dming the month of July, and wlU give Qieater Keduciions Than Ever in every de partment. 'There is certainly too much Su>ck in . ®*f Store, and we mean to reduce it down fin^ if LO W PKICE8 are any inducement Yonrivill find our stock right up to date, too. . MME. LA.VEE . The noted Tr««» Medium m>d CUirvoybetteryom condition, a^sSSSSion LOST The Goveraor-Qeneral Has Asaanted to Another Ses sion b.fore Dissolution.
doi:10.25316/ir-11133 fatcat:rdyheorw2bfffpgpn5dhczk3oy