Reply on RC1 [peer_review]

Jessica Baker
2021 unpublished
This article presents original estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) derived via water balance in the Amazon and several of its subbasins. The authors use these estimates to examine spatial variability in ET within the Amazon, seasonal and interannual variability in ET at the subbasin and Amazon-scale, and the dominant drivers of ET variability in the region. The authors additionally compare their findings to existing ET data from an extensive suite of remotely-sensed ET products, site-scale ET
more » ... rom flux towers, reanalysis models, and CMIP GCMs to evaluate how well they capture the dynamics of Amazonian ET. C1 HESSD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper Answer: This is a good point, and we have now amended the text to be more careful C2 HESSD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper
doi:10.5194/hess-2020-523-ac1 fatcat:z4ibuaz5wbhlpcnsabj57vpkie