PKS 0812+020: a quasar interacting with its environment

F. Ghigo, L. Rudnick, P. Wehinger, S. Wyckoff, H. Spinrad, K. Johnston
1986 Symposium - International astronomical union  
Slit spectra have shown optical emission line gas in the vicinity of the radio jet and the north radio lobe of PKS 0812+020. Velocities up to −1000 km/s with respect to the central quasar are seen in the north lobe. The [OII] emission strength becomes comparable to the [OIII] near the north lobe, as would be expected from acceleration by shocks. We suggest this acceleration occurs by interaction with the radio-emitting jet.
doi:10.1017/s0074180900152611 fatcat:pmd5gvbvvbezfna32oswbplrum