Clean, premium-quality chars: Demineralized and carbon enriched. Quarterly report, December 1, 1991--February 29, 1992 [report]

G.V. Smith
1992 unpublished
The interaction of methmae, methane/oxygen, helium, and hydrogen with IBC-102 coal samples _ 2rag) has been investigated in a thermogravimetric reactor a.t 20°C-650°C. The results show that _e reactive gases are converting some of the mineral matter of the coal into catalysts through chemical reactions (reduction or oxidation). Also, these gases (except He) dissolve in the softened coal. Added clays (kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite) increase the reactivity of the coal. Th;,s higher reactivity
more » ... ay be attributed to the fact that clays may selwe a_ catalysts for methane activation, may prevent the coal agglomeration, and/or may increase the number of active sites for the reaction by modification of the geometric structure of the coal surface. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) experiments show that clean coal (no mineral matter) devolatilizes at a lower temperature than raw coal. Also, preoxidation at 150°C for 50 minutes results in a 13.0lowering of the devolatilization temperature. ISDR-FTIR experiments suggest that phenol groups of the coal play an important role in the crosslinkage of the coal su'ucture when therrnally treated. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED This _r'o_e¢_ is funded by the U. S. Department of Energy (METC) and by the lllinoisDepartment of Energy and Nat.ural Resources as par_ of their c<>st-_= shared program. . ¢)mployoes, makes any warranty, express or imp,liod, or assumes any legal liability or reslxmsibility for the accuracy, completene_, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or I)rocrss di_lot_, or represents that its use would n_t infringe privately o_aod rights. Refer-()ace herein to any Slxcific comm©rcial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not nec.¢ssarily constitute or imply its endorscrr)ent, recomme,z)dat_on, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency theroof. The views trod opinions of autho|'s expr_scd herein do not n,.,'ce, s_rily state or reflect those, of the United State_ Go,¢rnment or any agency the,roof.
doi:10.2172/10165646 fatcat:uitcpldjevcgbeggimljqwsice