INDONESIANlounNAL FoR rsLAMrc I$ STUDIES THr MnxrruG oF lsLAMrc PoLncAl Tnnorrroru rN THE Mnmy Wonlo Nrrwonrs oF THE Uuun rN THE HnRRunyru: ConrurcrroNs rN THE Inornru Ocrnru Rrcrorl
Jajat Burhanudin, Shnrranrvvnr Trronon, Wrsr Jnvn, Tommy Christomy, Azyumardi Azra
The social and intellectual bistory of Indo-Malay Iskm is noted among others, as baving dneloped one of tbe cmters for kkmic schokrship. The uestern part of the Indonesian archipekgo, and more specifically in Sumatra, particularly Aceb, constituted a leading center for Is-Innric sciences in the 17tb Century. IVith the political support of the ruljng aristocrac!, Aceb became the principle birtbpkce of mary of tbe leading Ukma of Nusantara, and through their uorks, Aceh became a cetxter for the
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... production of Iskmic sciences. In tbe 18th Century, as the golden era of Aceb as a cmter for Iskmic schohrsbip began to fade, dnelopttent in tbe Indo-Maky Islamic intellectual tradition moaed to other regions. In hgbt of this, Palembang in Southern Surnatra, is regarded ds one of the regions that repkced Aceh as a center for Ishmic scholarship. As in Aceb, Palentbang produced a group of productioe Ulama. Their intellectual tradition remained uitbin the domain of schokrsbip tbat utas dneloped b tb, Ukma of Aceh. This article attenTpts to trace tbe Islamic intellectual tradition of Palembang parying particular attention to the scbolarly form that zaas shaped and molded by tbe (Jlama. In addition, this article dttenxpts to identifi the characteristics of the Palembang (Jkma, and drau., comparisons beftaeen this group and the Ukma of the earlitr Sufi. period in Aceh. Of tbe seueral Ukma of Palernbang zuho are the focus of tbis article, tbe most inxportdnt are Sbihhb aLDin bin Abd Allih Muhamrnad, Kemas Fakbr al-Din, Mubammad Mubyi al-Din, and of course, tbe most prominent,'Abd al-Samad al-Filimbint. 121 Palembang zaas not far remoaed frorn tbe scope of mysticism and tbeology. And tbe intellectual tradition of its Ularna can be categorized as characteristically ortbodox, and taorking toruards the integration offi.qb (exoteric aspect of Islam)and tasazuwf (esoteric aspect of Islam) Tlte chosen model of tasauwf, zabicb lends itself to such a reconciliation, has its origins in tbe golden era of Aceh, particularly in the second half of the 17th Century zaith the pioneeringtaork of scbolars swch as Ntlr al-Din al-Ri.niri and 'Abd aLRailf al-Sinktlt. Hozueoer, in the context of Palembang, it utas obuiows that ortbodox tasazuuf zuas tnore prominent, and more in linewith the thinkingoftbe likes ofal-Junayd, al-Qushairt, and al' What's more, they were inclined to neglect, or some Ulama eaen opposed, the pbilosophical tasarauf of lbnu 'Arabt atau al-Jtlt. In tbe case of Palembang the inclination tozaards ortbodox tasawuf uas also obaiowsly supported hy the particular social and political condi-