Simultaneous broadcasting of analog FM and digital audio signals by means of adaptive precanceling techniques

H.C. Papadopoulos, C.-E.W. Sunberg
1998 IEEE Transactions on Communications  
A method for broadcasting digital audio simultaneously with existing analog frequency modulation (FM) radio is presented. The method is based on precomputing the response of the host analog FM signal at the digital receiver and precanceling it at the transmitter. As a result, the digital transmission is free from interference from analog FM. We select the rate and power level of the digital transmission in a manner that the interference the digital data incur on the analog FM signal remains at
more » ... cceptably low levels. The digital transmission is based on adaptive orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) (adaptive multicarrier). The frequencies and number of carriers of the digital multicarrier modem are judiciously selected in a time-varying fashion so as to cause a negligible distortion in a standard receiver for analog FM. Simulations based on conservative nonoptimized signal design indicate that data rates up to about 130 kb/s inside the 200-kHz FM channel are achievable for acoustic test signals. We present a number of numerical examples where the average digital data use up to 50% of the 200-kHz power spectrum with digital signal power levels 25-35 dB below the analog signal. Due to the resulting variable-rate digital transmission, a control channel is required. A method of precanceling with multiple orthogonal direct-sequence spread-spectrum schemes is also presented. Index Terms-Adaptive precanceling, digital audio broadcasting, FM, simultaneous analog FM and data.
doi:10.1109/26.718565 fatcat:dh5i2ggj4zdytnp47ymwb3uecm