A Variational Numerical Method of Linear Elasticity through the Extended Framework of Hamilton's Principle
확장 해밀턴 이론에 근거한 선형탄성시스템의 변분동적수치해석법

Jinkyu Kim
2014 Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea  
The extended framework of Hamilton's principle provides a new rigorous weak variational formalism for a broad range of initial boundary value problems in mathematical physics and mechanics in terms of mixed formulation. Based upon such framework, a new variational numerical method of linear elasticity is provided for the classical single-degree-of-freedom dynamical systems. For the undamped system, the algorithm is symplectic with respect to the time step. For the damped system, it is shown to be accurate with good convergence characteristics.
doi:10.7734/coseik.2014.27.1.37 fatcat:ecg2677xfbhtvose4lq7vqy2lq