Integrating Reading-to-write Strategies and Pairing Composition and Reading Courses for First-year, At-risk College Students

Tara Hembrough, Assoc. Prof., Southeastern Oklahoma State University, USA,
2020 International Journal of Instruction  
This study evaluated the effect of employing reading-to-write strategies and joining college composition and reading courses for provisionally admitted, firstyear-writing students in the United States. The article discusses a mixed methods study of an experimental course-design model involving 47 students in the experimental group, 47 students in the control group, and five teachers, which aimed to improve students' reading-to-write strategies. For the curricular initiative, an experimental
more » ... p of provisionally admitted students studied reading-to-write practices and took Composition I and Reading I as 16-week, linked courses. Meanwhile, the control group also enrolled in Composition I and Reading I courses, but they were unconnected. Both groups were given a pre-test and posttest measuring students' reading levels, as well as their being assessed on a literature review essay they completed for Composition I. Additionally, experimental students were surveyed and instructors were interviewed about students' attitudes toward the reading-to-write practices and linked class design. Concentrating on Composition I, this article portrays the experimental linked courses' framework and its assessment practices, including a measurement of the reading-to-write outcomes for the literature review. Summarily, according to both the quantitative and qualitative data gathered, in cooperation with Reading I instructors, Composition I teachers utilizing reading-to-write approaches presented students with a cohesive, relevant curriculum. They also assisted students in reading, thinking critically, and writing and revising at a higher and sufficiently necessary level, including for the literature review, with all being important firstyear composition outcomes.
doi:10.29333/iji.2020.13412a fatcat:ilxhpgpu5fh45bufbl7lymjhee