Continuous Multi-Modal Interaction Causes Human-Robot Alignment

Sebastian Wallkötter, Michael Joannou, Samuel Westlake, Tony Belpaeme
2017 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction - HAI '17  
This study explores the effect of continuous interaction with a multi-modal robot on alignment in user dialogue. A game application of '20 Questions' was developed for a SoftBank Robotics NAO robot with supporting gestures, and a study was carried out in which subjects played a number of games. The robot's confidence of speech comprehension was logged and used to analyse the similarity between application legal dialogue and user speech. It was found that subjects significantly aligned their
more » ... ogue to the robot throughout continuous, multi-modal interaction.
doi:10.1145/3125739.3132599 dblp:conf/hai/WallkotterJWB17 fatcat:3rot2gx27ndxnhfebqfpblhhjm