Teaching Writing Skills Based on a Genre Approach to L2 Primary School Students: An Action Research

Hyejeong Ahn
2012 English Language Teaching  
This article, based on research findings, examines the effect of implementing a genre approach to develop writing competency of Year 5 and 6 L2 primary school students. Using action research, the genre approach was implemented over a 10-week term with two lessons per week in a culturally and linguistically diverse ESL class in a South Australian public metropolitan primary school. Two specific genres, Report and Essay writing, were taught using a three-staged teaching and learning cycle (TLC),
more » ... ased on Vygotsky's notion of scaffolding. Assessment was conducted by comparing students' writing samples, before and after the teaching intervention. The results indicated that the teacher's active scaffolding processes at the early stage of the cycle benefited students by making them aware of the different ways texts are organised for different communicative purposes. In addition, students' confidence level increased and the approach encouraged a positive attitude towards writing.
doi:10.5539/elt.v5n2p2 fatcat:6d52623xyzahtlfc6uji4dun6a