Implementation of the content line «Exploring language phenomena» in the process of working with phraseological phenomena in elementary school
Реалізація змістової лінії «Досліджуємо мовні явища» у процесі роботи з фразеологізмами в початковій школі

Tamara Shevchuk, Olga Tkachuk
2022 Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Pedagogics  
The article highlights the essence and implementation of the content line «Exploring language phenomena» in the terms of working with phrasal expressions in the lessons of Ukrainian language and reading and defines its place in modern linguistic and methodological research. The relevance of its implementation in the educational process of primary school is substantiated. In particular, emphasis was placed on shifting the priorities from the passive acquisition of knowledge by students to
more » ... ng it in the process of research activity. This activity is provided by the semantic line «Exploring language phenomena» in the elementary course of language and literature education. The authors of the article analyze the current educational programs and textbooks on the Ukrainian language and reading for elementary school, compiled in accordance with the typical educational program developed under the guidance of A. Y. Savchenko. They demonstrate the exercises that are the basis for phraseological work and illustrate the implementation of the content line «Exploring language phenomena», aimed at practical mastery of phraseology during observation, analysis, comparison, generalization, etc. A survey of teachers-practitioners on the implementation of this content line and a questionnaire of the 4th grade students allowed the authors to discover the skills and abilities needed to explore phraseological expressions. It was found that the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language covers the aspects for implementation the content line «Exploring language phenomena» insufficiently. Primary school teachers need methodological recommendations for the implementation of this content line in the process of teaching primary school students. It is noted that the development of students' skills and abilities to study phraseology requires consistent, systematic, and purposeful lesson work, which will expand students' knowledge of the language, enrich their vocabulary, activate logical thinking, increase cognitive activity and arouse students' interest in phraseological material. It is important to combine the study of stable word combinations of the Ukrainian language with the history and culture of the Ukrainian people, their everyday life and work activities. Keywords: linguistic and literary branch, semantic lines, phraseology, phraseological knowledge, skills, cognitive activity, mental operations.
doi:10.30970/vpe.2022.36.11566 fatcat:wbx53ca4ybgndptra66y76erde